Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Christmas Cactus "Child" survives!

Hooray!  My son Terry just sent me a photo of a thriving cactus "child" in the same bucket I put it in after the cactus crash! He and Dani transported it in their car when they drove back to New Orleans.   I predict it will root in its water and be safely growing in dirt sometime around Easter.  There are some healthy buds on many of its branches, and it is likely that it will bloom again next year.  I am delighted at its recovery  and congratulate Terry and Dani on their care of the "old lady cactus" survivor.   

Photo emailed by Terry
We have about a dozen small starts on a table in my studio, and I am also hopeful that they will thrive.  A good friend of mine gave me (for Christmas) the  perfect ceramic planter for a much smaller version of this now famous cactus, and I hope to have a newer and sleeker model growing in it before summer.
"Raggedy Family"  ©2000

This image of a Raggedy Ann Family
is available in numbered, signed prints
and as note cards.  Check this out on
our web site in the  "Christmas series" and the "Children's series"of prints.

I'm quite sentimental about this little
grouping.  About ten years ago, we moved from a log cabin located on a
small fishing lake near Plymouth.  We
loved the serenity and beauty of the 
location and the cabin suited us perfectly 
until......Father Time began to catch up with us, and the multiple steps became worrisome and potentially dangerous, so we moved, and are content now in our snug brick bungalow - all on one floor, with our little gallery attached. 

A delightful couple, David and Janet Burke, bought our log cabin and we have the joy of visiting them in this home.  David is a man of many talents, among them - making stick furniture and growing bonsai trees.  The Raggedy dolls in my watercolor were made by his mother, Evelyn Chandler, and David made the chair.  If interested, you can look at this print on our web site,

Thank you for your encouragement and support.  We enjoy our small gallery, and are pleased to be able to share our painting and poetry with you.  

Am still working on my 2010 Christmas painting, which will be considered a New Year's card, and will be sent out soon.  In the meantime, peace and joy to all of you in 2011.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

A warm and friendly Christmas from Culver, Indiana!

This wonderful small park is located in Culver's downtown historic district  - our town's post office is just behind this park and a variety of small to medium sized shops, a CVS pharmacy,  offices,  condos, a B & B,and other rentals, two small museums, a bustling library, a bank - across the street.  A  hardware store, a florist, several good restaurants and real estate sales and rental offices are all in close proximity.  Our Painter and Poet Gallery is two and a half blocks north on this same Main Street of Culver, Indiana  - a small town with a huge warm heart!!   Welcome visitors! 

Memorial bricks comprise the walkways inside this park - and benches and flowering bushes create a welcoming atmosphere in the summer and  this park is a fairyland in the Christmas season.  My watercolor of this scene is an attempt to capture some of the winter magic.  Small matted 8" x 10" prints are available in our gallery and on our web site

Ward and I have been slow in getting our Christmas organized - it seems like Thanksgiving was yesterday and Christmas is almost tomorrow.  An almost spooky and freaky incident occurred on Thanksgiving day in my studio - Our huge Christmas cactus, pictured and discussed in an earlier blog  on our website -  flew off its perch on a sturdy table, landed in a heap upside down on the floor, with its shattered branches underneath and its unbroken large ceramic pot bottom-up atop the fractured plant.  I had admired the emerging Christmas buds several days earlier!  (Maybe there's a moral here - "enjoy today"?)

This plant - almost a century old was almost three  feet across - thus trapped in our home and  too large to go through any of our exterior doors !!  My first reaction was shock and sadness.  Then I started to giggle.  "Well, I guess I won't have to worry about that cactus anymore!"

My older son and his family were here visiting when this unusual event happened, and after everybody else was in bed,  I  sat there mulling over what to do with the "remains".  Decided the damage too drastic for repotting,  I settled on hauling out three large empty plastic ice cream "buckets", and cut the intact branches apart, and placed them root side first and down into water.  Ward put some bricks on top of the cactus table to stabilize the weight, and I'm keeping  them watered and in a south window, and attempting  to get some new starts going.  If any of you would like to have  a cutting off this plant, just stop in with your  small water container, and we'll give you a piece of that wonderful old plant!  But in this frigid season, you'll have to keep the fragile branch warm so we'll  need to bundle it up for you! 

Here's a copy of my painting of Mother's Christmas Cactus.  Prints and cards of this also available in our little shop and on our web site. 

Our pleasant memories of this plant live on, and we wish you a merry, merry Christmas with happiness that will extend throughout the coming new year! 

We welcome your emails and comments.  Winter hours:  10 till 5 on Fridays and Saturdays, and whenever the open sign is out.  Or call for an appointment  574-842-8888.   
web site:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A NEW START! November is behind us.

Ward and I are back in our comfortable routine. Shortly before Halloween, Ward suffered with a
large kidney stone, and endured 2 surgeries for treatment. Everything else went on hold while we worked for his recovery. He is now almost back to normal, and we are most grateful - to his excellent doctor, and the concern and generous help from family and kind friends.

Cook Book Mode has been my computer life for the last several weeks, and 22 new spiffy spiral bound cook books -
"COOKING, PAINTING & POETRY - from Painter and Poet" are piled on our dining room table. Some of these have been pre-ordered, and the master file for reprinting them is safe on our trusty Mac, and on backup files.

For background on these books - Four years ago, I composed a family cook book preserving only our very favorite recipes for family and close friends - a project I very much wanted to complete. Since then, a few more exceptional recipes have expanded our selective list of favorites , and these are also included in this new book. This cook book centers around three of Ward's and my favorite activities - cooking (and eating), painting, and poetry, so here you have it
- "COOKING, PAINTING & POETRY from Painter and Poet."

Contents of this book: over 100 favorite recipes - breads, appetizers, desserts, main dishes, salads, soups and sandwiches, veggies, and turkey dinner basics; almost 90 full color illustrations of Esther's most popular watercolor prints and note cards; and a nice sampling of Ward's poetry. Along with the recipes, the poems and the watercolor illustrations are indexed, and some of the collectors are named. Where possible, we give credit to the generous people who shared their super recipes with us.

This "family" collection is dedicated to our seven children and our grandchildren (+ 2 "grands" for Ward), and the cover image is "Uncle John's Barn", named to honor my dad, John Henry Scobie, who was a fantastic father and a true "gentle man".

We've kept our cook book pricing as low as possible, but cost escalated because of all the full color print illustrations. We're holding the introductory offer price at $49.00 - boxed, autographed if you wish, and including a note card (possibly one of those included in the book's illustrations). When we sell out of our initial printing, orders will be taken, and the price then will be $59.00.

It's fun communicating with you again, and I leave to go back into the living room and into "Christmas Tree Decorating Mode."

P. S. To order our new cook book, call us. Cook book not yet added to our web site. Wide selection of prints and many note cards available on our web site.

For easy ordering, and free shipping, go to our web site: And for up to date Culver community info, visit and


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Magic - Utah Mountains and Stephen Quiller Gallery

WOW Look at these huge rock formations!
We were overwhelmed by the majestic beauty. What an awesome sight - our first view of Utah's Arches National Park. We spent several hours driving through a small portion of this huge park, and proceeded on into Colorado, and through more gorgeous mountains, some covered with dark evergreens and others sprinkled with trees frosted in golden fall colors - an irresistible source of wonderful inspiration for a great water media artist, like Stephen Quiller. (and a great temptation to an enthusiastic lesser painter, like me).

And what a grand thrill to finally arrive at the
Quiller Gallery in Creede, Colorado! Such terrific paintings! I have admired his work for years, and this was such a very special treat - and I'm most grateful to Ward for navigating all the elevations and curves in this tough by gorgeous terrain.

We were fortunate to be able to visit Quiller Gallery - scheduled to close for the season only several days after our arrival. Burdette Knous was a delightful hostess and Ward and I were thrilled to view so many of Stephen Quiller's marvelous paintings. My absolute favorite is pictured here. It is called "Sojourn with Red Wing Blackbirds" and my photo does not do it justice but does gives you an idea of what it looks like. Check to learn more about him and to view this painting and many others.

Studio Update: All of this gadding around has been stimulating, but also exhausting, and I'll admit to sleeping some long hours to try to regain my energy. Am now putting the final finishing touches on my large watercolor of a Lake Maxinkuckee Home. So will sign off for now and get busy on it.

For easy ordering, and free shipping, go to our web site: And for up to date Culver community info, visit and

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Family Ties and Inspiration

We've been home now long enough to have mail opened and laundry almost finished.
Had a delightful journey to Utah where we enjoyed the warm hospitality of Ward's daughter Michelle, her husband Justin and their wonderful family - Elizabeth, Amy, Allison and Daniel.

Ward planned our travel route and navigated with precision and we enjoyed a brief visit to the campus of Kansas City Art Institute, where I studied 60 years ago. Vanderslice Hall looks almost as it did then, and we were pleased and surprised to discover that Lee Piechocki, who greeted us at the front desk, is a South Bend native transplanted in Kansas City. Check out his web site:

My two+ years there is a distant but very pleasant memory. I remember appreciating my freshman year where I had the opportunity to sample many art forms. Lee told us this format was abandoned for many years with a change for freshman to a simpler study program without the variety I enjoyed. The pendulum has swung back and today's first year students are enjoying the introduction to a wider variety of art forms, much like those that I appreciated long ago. Now students also are introduced to many computer applications - so many innovations with technology! I'm thrilled and challenged to be able to work with some of this wonderful new STUFF!

Will post this with several photos - a lop-sided view of Vanderslice Hall and one with a typical pose of Ward in front of it - (Take a look at the cowboy hat and the suede vest - quite the dude!). Am having a glitch downloading some of our photos from the camera to our computer, and hope we get this solved. Hopefully, I will share more trip details including a wonderful visit to Stephen Quiller's Gallery in the mountains of southern Colorado.

Ill sign off for now and be back in a few days with a photo of my latest large watercolor. Check out our web site -

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Darlene's Lake Home

We've been bustling around - getting ready to leave for a "car voyage". And I'm within hours of completing an interesting watercolor of a Maxinkuckee lake home. Kept putting off writing a blog - so I could share that painting with you. It is on my drawing board - with a written "to do" list of minor items to correct and/or complete. So I'll send that one for you to view shortly after we return from our exciting car trip. We are (I should say - Ward is) driving us west - close to Salt Lake City to visit his daughter, Michelle, and her family. The car is packed except for last minute items. Ward is snoozing now and I'll be cat napping within 15 minutes from the time we leave ye old homestead.

The painting above is a favorite of mine - this is Darlene and Bob's inviting home on Myers Lake - she asked for a view from the road, and after several futile efforts to take photos that would lure me to paint, I FINALLY took some pictures that got me rolling. With artistic license, I raised the lake above the roof line of their house, and slightly rearranged the trees to emphasize the patterns from this view. The finishing touch was the old fashioned planter in the left foreground. This was her mother's and very dear to her. She located photos for me to use for reference.

By the way, I do have another 6" x 6" original partially done. It's another flag painting - and this time, it is OUR flag, taken from the side yard looking southerly. You'll see it here soon. Do I hear you thinking promises, promises, that's all I hear ? ? OK, I do promise.

Time for me to hit the sack for the second time tonight. Darlene is watching over our gallery while we are away. She'll open up next Friday and Saturday, and will answer your phone calls while we are enjoying our time away. Her phone number is 574-936-4431. Her number is on both of our answering services. We thank her again and again for all of her assistance.

Our web site is Until we return - have fun, stay well!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Our BIG anniversary


Ward and I celebrated our
30th wedding anniversary on Thursday. He made arrangements for us to have dinner at Tabor Hill- a bountiful vineyard with a very good restaurant about a half hour north of South Bend in Michigan. It was a charming place and we ate in an area overlooking a panoramic view of their vineyards. We passed up the wine tasting area, but each of us enjoyed a glass of their great wine with our meal. Such a special event, and such a kind and wonderful man! Am I or am I not an extremely lucky broad? Yes.

Studio Update: I've been busy ordering supplies and organizing our little gallery after the busy summer. And Randy, our computer guru, has recently installed "Snow Leopard", Mac's latest operating system. I kept putting that off, and I'm relieved to have it up and running. There have been a few hectic moments and Randy has come to the rescue. I don't want to brag about any of this because I don't want to tempt fate!

The purple tree image is from one of our larger note cards. This was so refreshing to paint , and I hope to work more in this very impressionistic style. It's usually fun to try something quite different. I'll be interested in your reaction to this "unlike Esther" approach to watercolor.

Will be back with another blog very soon.

Our web site:
Our blog:
Phone: 574-842-8888

Excellent Culver info on our official Chamber of Commerce site:
And visit for exceptionally good Culver info.

Next weekend is Labor Day when the primary special Culver event will be the third annual Lake Maxinkuckee Film Festival.

Painter and Poet Gallery is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 5, and on Sundays by chance. We will be open over this coming Labor Day weekend. At other times, check for our OPEN sign, or call ahead for an appointment - 574-842-8888.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Uncle John's Barn

It's good to be back blogging. Our
summer has been busy in our gallery. Ward and I have been working hard to try to keep up on orders for our collectors, knowing that we will have plenty of time after Labor Day to work on new paintings and poetry.

Uncle John's Barn is featured today. Inspired by an old barn located on a country road several miles west of Plymouth (and about 10 miles from our home), this interesting barn with two silos fascinated me, and this scene tumbled around in my mind for a long time before I tackled this painting. The fence, flowers and weeds are from my imagination.

I've named this painting for my father, whose first name was John. He was beloved by almost everybody who knew him, and adored by me. I grew up on a farm and spent many happy hours with my father.

Last year, I was invited to submit 2 paintings for inclusion in an upcoming book, a continuation of "Hoosier Painters of the 21st Century" by Mark Butterfield of Greenfield, Indiana. Images of this painting and "Culver's Train Depot" are planned for inclusion in this book. (We have prints of the Depot for sale on our web site). Book details unclear since Mark is having difficulty getting his book printed because several printers that he has used before, have gone out of business. The purchaser of this painting will be given a free volume of this book (by me) if and when it is published.

This transparent watercolor, "Uncle John's Barn", is about 18" x 14". Overall size including the archival matting and frame is about 28" by 24". The top mat is a neutral sandy color (between light tan and gray) with a medium brown mat beneath it. Framing is a simple contemporary rustic style - very versatile. The colors will appear different on different monitors, and the picture of Ward holding this painting is included to give you a better idea of the size. Price of this custom framed painting is $1450.00 plus shipping costs. Offered for sale until September 12, 2010 to the first qualified buyer. Cash, money order, PayPal or other credit cards. Call me at 574-842-8888 to place your order and for an estimate of shipping costs. If you buy this without actually seeing it and are not satisfied, we will refund your purchase price.

Studio Update: I'm progressing slowly, but 'getting there" on the large very challenging painting I've been trying to finish, and am at the stage where I always get nervous - about 85% done. I want to be sure it has just the right amount of detail but not too much. Lots of standing back and then trying out small areas on scrap paper before adding to the BIG one. I sure don't want to spoil it now. After it's delivered, I'll post it, so you'll see what I've been up to.

For relaxation, I'm been sneaking away to work on another 6" x 6" blog painting. Subject matter of this is a corner of our house with our flag flying. Working on this one is pure pleasure. Will post it soon in another blog.

Stay cool! And in another 3 or 4 months, we'll be saying - "Stay warm". Never satisfied, but here in the midwest, we do enjoy variety !

Web site: Blog:
Gallery Phone: 574-842-8888 email:

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello again from Esther and Ward!

Hi - I've missed writing these blogs and hope that you've missed reading them. Ward and I have taken a short trip to visit his sister and her family - near Iowa City. We've been busy with the necessities of living - food, laundry, shopping, gardening, etc. We have taken many photos that will provide me with inspiration for new paintings. Most tempting of these are some local barns, pictures of flowers including breath-taking day lilies photographed in Iowa. High on our " to do" list is getting good photos of "Queen Ann's lace" growing along the country roads - great for details of fence rows.

We've enjoyed busy times in our gallery - a nice increase in traffic from last year. Thus Ward and I have been working hard to get more prints matted and framed. I've stayed busy plugging away on commissions. The painting that I am posting here was done as a study of two flags on a pole and a smaller version will be included as part of the very large and complicated watercolor on my easel at this moment.
When it is finished and delivered to our client, I'll post a photo of it.

Flags furling in the wind are a challenge to paint. I wonder how you like this one with the flags "backward". I experimented with flipping it to a more conventional view, but decided that perhaps it was more interesting from this angle. This painting is sold, but I wanted to share it with you.

I promise to write more soon. From Esther.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Culver Boys and Girls Club Auction!

Culver's upcoming Boys and Girls Club fund raiser is almost two weeks away. And last week has found Ward and me preparing our contribution to this auction. We are donating this special signed and numbered print of Chief Menominee, a kind and wise man who in the early 1800's was driven from his tribal lands near Plymouth.

Ward wrote the eloquent and sensitive poem included with this print, and he hand cut the mat with its three openings, and is finishing the framing.

I painted the small original
watercolor, an Indian family in a birch bark canoe - note the squaw doing the work- paddling, while the grizzly old father rests and supervises from the stern of the boat. The three Indian children are clustered close to Mom - with the papoose secure on her board, the little brave dangling his arm in the lake, and the little princess timidly observing. This composite - print, poem and original painting of Chief Menominee is our donation to this upcoming Boys and Girls Club Silent Auction to be held at 6:30 P M on Friday, June 18 at Lay Dining Center located on Culver Academies Campus. This auction is the major fund raiser for a terrific local group that provides support for our most important emerging asset - the youth of our community! Try to attend - not only will you help our local school kids, you will have a wonderful evening of conviviality and the opportunity to bid on many interesting items - from large to small. Tickets may be purchased at the door - $40 each or two for $75.00. Complimentary food buffet and drinks.

And on our web site, we offer standard versions of this print with Ward's poem, and my image of Chief Menominee. Click here: and go to prints, then to the Plymouth series to get details and order the standard Chief Menominee print.

We are also giving a framed copy of our latest print, Broad Stripes and Bright Stars, to this auction. Copies of this print are also available on our web site (listed in the paragraph above) - and in the Culver Area Series of prints.

Earlier this week, Ward and I have enjoyed a few brief country rides and have returned with some interesting photos, including an old tractor and several barns, one with a Notre Dame design in the roof shingles. I'm imagining myself painting a specific old barn with that old tractor in the foreground. The idea is there, and when it emerges as a watercolor, I'll post it here for you to enjoy and/or buy!

Culver Academies' graduation is this weekend, and we've been busy filling orders and waiting on customers. We hope the weather stays nice for graduation.

Our web site is We accept Pay/Pal which also includes most other credit cards. Call us at 574-842-8888 for phone orders. Free shipping within the contiguous 48 states. Email us:

To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery Hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. And by appointment or chance. We are open lots of other times - call to check.

Culver info? Go to (You can check the current temperature on this site, and along with other good community info. And check Culver Chamber of Commerce whose web site is

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Almost June!

Earlier this evening, Ward and I were sitting on our little patio, enjoying our fresh strawberries and watching Culver's version of "the world" ambling by. So pleasant - enjoying the new blooms of my pampered delphiniums, and the sounds of birds. We could get a glimpse of the street and sidewalk in front of our house, but we were not in clear view - and sort of spying on what was happening.

It was busy, busy here over this last weekend - with Culver Academies' reunion celebrations. Lots of customers in our little gallery, and fun connecting again with some old friends, and enjoying a nice visit with 2 friends and classmates of my children who came to celebrate a 40th anniversary of graduation from THE ACADEMY - as we natives refer to it. My son Terry came last year for his 40th. Wow - how time races by!

Studio Update:
I'm posting another 6" x 6" original watercolor, named
Walkers in the Distance. I wanted to emphasize the contrast between the huge oak tree and the small walkers, with some sycamores on the right . This painting has a 2.25" cream colored archival mat & matted size is 10.5" x 10.5". To view this painting on EBay, click here:

Earlier this week, my helpful hubby found a large cardboard appliance box and brought it home to use in making a light box. I've been thinking about this (I hear him groaning), but this is not going to be a huge project like THE EASEL/DESK which you may remember from earlier blogs. The reason for the light box, is to control the lighting to help me to take better photos of still life setups. Over the years we have acquired or inherited, or been given, lots of "stuff" which I enjoy looking at - including my old doll, Mary Ann, who was also my mother's doll, s0 Mary Ann is probably almost 110 years old. I am itching to paint a small watercolor of her and that's just for starters. There are lots more old relics around here - including us. So keep reading these blogs - hard telling what might appear.

Remember to check out our web site, where you can find info on us, our prints, and a relatively new section listing some of our original watercolors.

Our web site is We accept Pay/Pal which also includes most other credit cards. Call us at 574-842-8888 for phone orders. Free shipping within the contiguous 48 states. Email us:

To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery Hours: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. And by appointment or chance. We are open lots of other times - call to check.

Culver info? Go to (You can check the current temperature on this site, and along with other good community info, you can check out activities at the Culver Public Library - mentioned above). And check Culver Chamber of Commerce whose web site is

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day tomorrow!

It's a wonderful and "blooming" season! Such a cheerful time of year and our small perennial flower garden is looking great! Ward planted a new rose bush. I've transplanted some purple flowers that will bloom all summer, and I'll be taking photos and doing some paintings of them. When I post a photo and a painting, I'm hoping somebody will identify the flower!

My younger daughter, Jennifer, will be bringing me a new rose bush next weekend - my Mother's Day gift from her. I have a spot saved for it. Last week I took some closeups of a clump of ruffled lavender tulips that she planted for me 10 years ago when Ward first prepared our perennial bed. When she was a young girl, she dug up some daisies and planted them- all by herself. Never did know exactly where she found them. Flowers make great gifts!

Several weeks ago, we were delighted when J.D. and Linda Russell, old but young friends (25 years our junior) called and came to visit. We enjoyed a good lunch at Cafe Max, and enjoyed reminiscing about our days as real estate appraisers. She took our photo and sent us a copy which I'm posting here. We've been using a photo taken about a decade ago, and I think this new one better represents us now. We are standing in front of the fireplace in our living room, and you can see a bit of our home.

Studio Update:

A few weeks ago, I posted a very similar painting of daffodils, and wanted to try it with a different approach. So, here it is -
Sunny Daffodils, a 6" x 6" watercolor surrounded by an off white archival mat with a narrow gold line next to the painting. This painting will be sold to the first person to contact us with secure payment of its purchase price of $98.00 (including shipping within the U S). This offer will expire on May 18 (about 10 days from now). To purchase this painting Email us at or call Esther at 574-842-8888. Pay/Pal and other credit cards and money orders accepted. If desired, we can send you a PayPal invoice.

Remember, paintings look different on different computer monitors. If you purchase this painting and are not fully satisfied, you may pack it carefully and return to us at your expense and we will refund your full purchase price. No questions asked.

The new flag/porch print (from an original sold here about a month ago) is called Broad Stripes and Bright Stars. Matted and unmatted prints will be listed on our web site - within a few days. Image size is 6" x 6", the same size as the original. Watch for it.

Am working on 2 more small 6" x 6"'s, and also making good progress on the painting of a large watercolor of a wonderful lake cottage.

While painting, I usually listen to books on CD, and am more than half way through Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin
about Abraham Lincoln - 36 CD's - enough to keep me anchored to my easel. Biography type books like this work best for "painting/listening" - no complicated plot.

I want to mention how pleased I am with our current Culver Library. They are most helpful and friendly. They even send emails to remind you when you have books that are almost due. Amazing. Here is their website:

Our web site is We accept Pay/Pal which also includes most other credit cards. Call us at 574-842-8888 for phone orders. Email us:

To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery Hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12-4. And by appointment or chance.

Culver info? Go to (You can check the current temperature on this site, and along with other good community info, you can check out activities at the Culver Public Library - mentioned above).

And check Culver Chamber of Commerce whose web site is

Monday, April 19, 2010


Ward and I are blessed with a total of fourteen grandchildren and great grandchildren, and it is my hope to complete a special watercolor for each of them. About a month ago, I posted a painting of a wooded scene in Germany - which we shipped to my oldest grandson Michael.

Melanie is my third grandchild, and today, we are sending her the original watercolor shown above - New Orleans Buggy Ride for Melanie - as a gift for her 25th birthday. A native of New Orleans, it is still her home. About 20 years ago, at the beginning of our Painter and Poet journey, we participated in some New Orleans area art shows and I had fun painting rather kooky watercolors of N O scenes. This original is from that early period.

My own birthday was several days ago, and I'm still reeling from the pleasures of that day - thank you all. Cards propped on the side table in our dining room - I'm enjoying re-reading them and hoping to take a photo of the friendly daisies sent by my older daughter, Suzy - maybe they will be in a watercolor someday. Special cookies, more wonderful daffodils, long heart warming phone calls, and an upcoming shopping trip to South Bend with my buddy, Darlene. Plus several great necklaces to adorn my old neck! Wow! I feel so very lucky and so young that I can't believe I'm such a relic.

Am happy to report that the original I posted several days ago - a flag on an old fashioned porch - has been sold. We will soon have prints available, and they will be posted on our web site and in our Culver gallery.

Mother's Day will be here before you know it. Consider checking out our web site: to order a print for your special lady. There are many to choose from - and florals seem especially appropriate. Rose Garden (pictured above) has been a proven favorite . Peace and serenity are embodied in this painting of the Virgin Mary's statue and Ward has captured the essence of the message in his verse

Studio Update:

Have spent the last several days assembling mat colors and picking frames for prints and originals, replenishing the supply of note cards, doing some updating on our mailing list, and getting Uncle Sam paid. Yesterday I struggled scanning and working on the new prints of Broad Stripes and Bright Stars, introduced in our blog several days ago.

Spring is truly here and Ward and I have been driving around, admiring flowering bushes and trees. I've promised him that I'll soon paint an old weathered barn and silo to complete our composite creation - his poem with my accompanying watercolor. Today we spied a splendidly dilapidated old silo on Olive Trail just south of Plymouth. This "old silo scene" is percolating in my brain and I'll soon get rolling on it.

Now I hope to take more photos of Gignilliat Hall in full spring regalia - I have good building details in skeletal photos taken last fall. Am excited about this project.

Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. We make it easy for you to purchase with a check or money order - or using our shopping cart and pay/pal or other credit cards. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us at:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Whose Broad Stripes and Bright Stars

These "6" x 6" watercolors are filling me with enthusiasm. On the right is a new one that I finished earlier today! This is the front porch of the charming older home south and next door to us. In my files I found several photos of this porch and I painted from these photos. Attached here is a copy of this painting, which will be reproduced with details to be given laterl This painting has a crisp white top mat with a narrow edge of medium gray underneath. Size including the mat is 9.5" square. This matted print will be placed on a foam core backing, enclosed in a clear plastic envelope and carefully packaged for free shipment inside the U. S. Inquire about international shipping costs outside the U S.

This painting will be sold to the first person to contact us with secure payment of its purchase price of $108.00 (including shipping within the US). This offer will expire on April 27 (about 10 days from now). To purchase this painting Email us at or call Esther at 574-842-8888. PayPal and other credit cards and money orders accepted. If desired, we can send you a Paypal invoice.

And remember, paintings look different on different computer monitors; if you purchase this painting and are not fully satisfied, you may pack it carefully and return to us at your expense and we will refund your full purchase price. No questions asked.

Studio Update:

I've been working on several other 6"x 6''s and am posting another recent watercolor that never made it to our blog. This one is 5" x 6". It was adopted by a dear friend, who LOVES spring flowers. She brought me more wonderful daffodils and similar blooms. I've taken lots of pictures of these spring flowers and hope to squeeze another cheery little watercolor daffodil into this blog very soon. They are special favorites of mine. "The one that got away" is several paragraphs up.

Culver Academy's Reunion week will be here in about a month, and we are readying our inventory of Culver Academy prints and cards. I'm hopeful of making good progress on a new Academy scene, and will also be pushing myself on several of my larger commissions. And tomorrow, we are sending a French Quarter New Orleans original to Melanie, a granddaughter who has lived in that fascinating city all her life. Her birthday is several days away and that puts me a bit closer to my goal of presenting each grandchild with a significant original. In our next blog, I'll post a photo of "New Orleans Buggy for Melanie."

Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. We make it easy for you to purchase with a check or money order - or using our shopping cart and pay/pal or other credit cards. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us at:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site:

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lily of the Mist - original watercolor

Easter is almost here, and it is mostly fun to be working on the spring cleanup of our flower garden and patio area - and the entry to our Painter and Poet Gallery.

Yesterday, I got frisky, foolishly acted like I was about 20 years younger than my "real" age, and put my knobby knees down on my handy "padded" kneeling bench. Weather? Sunny, 74 degrees, and a lovely day! Spent almost two hours getting the 12' x 8' deck floor scrubbed squeaky clean. The deck looks terrific, but oh- my poor knees! Need to find some soft knee pads before any more kneeling!

Sorting through our unmatted prints in Ward's matting room I found an original watercolor called "Lily of the Mist." Ward is holding this framed original painting. The scarecrow portrayed here was designed by Judy Dodge, an enthusiastic member of our community, who has created many of the scarecrows included in some of Culver's annual fall scarecrow contests, which began in 1998. With its bright colors and unusual design, it reminds me of the imagination and whimsy reflected in Easter bunnies, and color-filled decorations.

Lily of the Mist's image is 9.5" wide and 14.5" tall. Overall matted size is 15.5" wide by 20.5" tall. Archival matting and framing includes 3" of alpha matting around the painting (#8521 Fairfield White top mat with # 8480 Gothic Amethyst underneath) archival U V glass and a striking black wood frame. Price is $225.00 which includes the archival matting and framing, free shipping, and a copy of "Big Scare in Small Town". This unusual and colorful original watercolor will be sold to the first qualified buyer contacting us to purchase "Lily of the Mist". We are careful to note the exact time of your wish to purchase so we can follow our rule - "to the first qualified buyer".

"Big Scare in Small Town" written by Harvey Firari, and illustrated by Esther, contains a copy of this print and other illustrations of Culver scarecrows, also painted by Esther. This book is described in the "book" section of - Painter and Poet's web site.

To buy this original you will need to either call me at 574 842 8888 or email us - - to arrange for your purchase. We can accept Visa, Mastercard or Discover. If you want to use paypal, we will be happy to send you a paypal invoice. Indiana residents will be charged 7% state sales tax. Free insured shipping within the continental U S, and additional charges for shipping to other locations. Any questions" Please call Esther at 574-842-8888.

Studio Updates: Am enjoying painting on my convenient new easel, plugging away on commissions. And in between, I continue to work on small originals to post on this blog, with four partly done. As each of these little originals is finished, we'll photograph it and post here so you can view it, and if interested, have an opportunity to buy it.

This is an ideal time of year for photographing scenes with buildings that I hope to paint. It's easier to clearly see the building structures while the foliage is light. Ward has written a poem about an old silo and barn, and wants me to paint a watercolor to illustrate his poem. This will be a challenge, but fun! We found an ideal old barn and silo last week but the day was overcast - not the best lighting. So we went back when the atmosphere was brighter, and Ward lined up our digital Nikon for an excellent shot. I'm excited and it'll be fun to combine our talents on this "old silo and barn" p
oem and painting!

Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. Pay/pal and our shopping cart makes it easy for you to purchase from our web site. PayPal includes most other credit cards. To purchase with a check or money order or other questions, please call us. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The new easel/desk is terrific!

Snow is off the ground, ice is off the lake, and we have an extra hour of daylight in the evening. And I feel like celebrating! The monster "easel in a box" is now in use and is even more convenient and comfortable than I had hoped. I'm delighted. One picture shows Ward working to assemble it, and the second shows the finished desk after Ward and Beth Wilkins completed the awesome task.

When I am painting a
watercolor, I often use special watercolor pencils for accents and details. Note the two containers of those pencils, and another heavy glass filled with many of my brushes. The light clamped to my easel/desk is color balanced so that its light simulates daylight - I am a night owl and sometimes go on a painting rampage until the wee hours of the morning.

Studio Updates:

To give you a better opportunity to purchase available original watercolors, we are adding a new section to our web site. Paintings described here will either be auctioned on EBay or added to a special section of our web site. When posted on our web site, each original will be offered at a fixed price and the first qualified purchaser will be the proud new owner!

My watercolor of Culveer's Vandalia Train Station is the first original to be offered on the "originals" section of our web site: Its image has been on several earlier blogs so it's likely that you will remember it. You can get an idea of the scale from the photo of me holding the framed painting. This picture was taken on our side deck - the door behind me is the outside entry into my little studio, and I'm facing toward the entry to our Painter and Poet Gallery.

Custom framed in light brown wood, it has archival matting and UV protected glass. The inside alpha mat is called Dusk Grey, a color very similar to the color of the frame, The top mat is Gypsum, a light tan color. Image size is 17" x 11" and the total framed size is about 24" wide by 18" tall. Price framed and ready to hang is $695.00

In order to buy an original from our web site, you will need to either call me at 574 842 8888 or email us - - to arrange for your purchase. We can accept Visa, Mastercard or Discover. If you want to use paypal, we will be happy to send you a paypal invoice. Indiana residents will be charged 7% state sales tax. Free insured shipping within the continental U S, and additional charges for shipping to other locations.

Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. We make it easy for you to purchase with a check or money order - or using our shopping cart and pay/pal or other credit cards. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us at:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Uncle Henry's Barn SOLD - Culver Train Station on the track!

It's Sunday morning and we are reporting that Uncle Henry's Barn is sold. I'm sorry to disappoint some of you, but happy for the buyer. Do remember to check out our web site, where you may easily purchase some of Ward's poetry books, and select from our signed, limited edition prints and note cards. Free shipping there. Paypal, Visa and MC accepted. For our web site, click:

Within a few days, I'll be posting a longer blog, and the custom framed original of Culver's Vandalia Train Station will be featured for sale. But today, we will try to reorganize my studio so I can get back to a routine of alternating between producing smaller paintings in our little gallery and concentrating on my larger commissioned watercolors in my studio away from distractions. I just looked and that snazzy "drafting table/easel" is still there, beautifully assembled!! Thank you again, Ward and Beth!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Uncle Henry's Barn

Tis mid March and days are warmer and sunnier. I've been out walking with Maxwell (my walker) so I can speed along the sidewalk pretending I'm a middle-ager. Culver's sidewalks are much improved over former years, but there are still some unexpected cracks and bumps. Using this walker, I can relax and enjoy the sights, and the basket is handy for small purchases. Very enjoyable.
Ward and I like driving along country roads and we usually take our camera. Today's feature is painted using the above reference photo we took late last summer. I am posting that photo and the finished painting, which is called "Uncle Henry's Barn." My father's name was John Henry Scobie so this barn painting is sort of named after him.

This watercolor is 6" x 6". Including a two inch wide light gray alpha mat, the overall size is 10" x 10." The matted print will be placed on a foam core backing, enclosed in a clear plastic envelope and carefully packaged for free shipment inside the U S. Inquire about international shipping costs outside the U S.

This painting will be sold to the first person to contact us with secure payment of its purchase price of $79.00 (including shipping).

To purchase this painting Email us at or call Esther at 574-842-8888. PayPal and other credit cards and money orders accepted. If desired, we can send you a paypal invoice.

Studio Update:

.... a huge challenge! I was both pleased and disappointed when this thing arrived. I assumed (and you all know the inherent risk) it would be delivered assembled and ready for me to sit down and begin painting. Wrong! All the miscellaneous parts -a pile of (mostly labeled) nuts, bolts,
boards, metal pieces, etc. and confusing diagrams! Then we noticed - "Made in China" - Well, Ward with his careful skill and determination tackled the tough job, and made a lot of progress. Then a good friend of ours, Beth Wilkins, an amazing lady, volunteered to help him conquer this monster desk. They worked together and now we have something that miraculously looks almost like the sleek vision in the catalog. Thank you, Beth. We'll post pictures in our next blog.

Currently, I'm working on another country scene, also 6" x 6" which features two large oak trees and a country road. This is fun, and I'm happy with the way it is progressing. It's on my little painting table in our gallery. Remember, you are welcome to visit and watch me paint. Better check first to be sure that we are here. .

Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. We nake it easy for you to purchase with a check or money order - or using our shopping cart and pay/pal or other credit cards. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us at:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good Tree for a Bunny

Good Tree for a Bunny is a little piece of whimsy - fun for me to paint and I'm happy to present it for you to bid on. This small painting is 2.5" across and 3.5" high and has a 1.25" off white alpha mat around it, bringing the overall size including the mat, to 5" wide and 6" tall. A nice little interesting watercolor with some pen and ink accents! Bidding on Ebay to start at only $19. Click here to find this item on Ebay!

I've just added one of my signed prints - Crocus, the Butterfly Flower - to this blog and also to Ebay. This is one of our most popular images, and a great reminder that - as the song goes - "Spring is just around the corner!" The image on this print is 6" across and 4" tall. The matted size is a standard 10" x 8" - making it a breeze to frame. The top mat is a soft light gray with a narrow purple mat under, a big favorite of mine. Ward and I have the original of this painting on a small easel atop a little butternut antique chest in our dining room. Bidding on this signed print starts at $10.00. Click here to find Crocus, the Butterfly Flower on EBay.

Am very excited about a new studio easel that should be delivered later today. It looks a like a small drafting table with a built in large adjustable drawing board in the center and a flat working space on each side. This will make it easier for me to paint because I can change the height and angle to what is most comfortable for me.

With our extended family and friends, there are plenty of birthdays to keep track of. Son Michael's is later this week so his card is ready to mail. Ward is finishing the framing on Grandson Michael's painting (shown to you on an earlier blog) and we will ship to to him soon- his birthday is later this month.

Studio Update:

Last night I worked on a small barn painting and hope to finish it within the next week. As soon as my new easel is set up, I'm going to finish work on a commissioned lake home painting and enjoy starting the next one!

The little originals that we are putting on Ebay are stirring up my creative energy and freshening up my painting. And remember, I'll continue to enjoy creating these little gems right here in my gallery. There's pleasant jazz in the background and a chair for you to sit on. You are welcome to watch and chat while I paint. If you want to make a special trip to our gallery, please call first to be sure that we'll be here. We don't want you to be disappointed.


Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. We nake it easy for you to purchase with a check or money order - or using our shopping cart and pay/pal or other credit cards. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us at:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site:

Friday, February 26, 2010

"Feather", original watercolor by Esther

original watercolor Feather is custom framed and ready to hang! The image is 8" wide and 3.5" tall. Size including the mat is 11" x 6.5". Top mat is a soft light gray, with a darker gray mat beneath. The brown wood custom frame is a little lighter than it looks here. Special "Tru -Vue" glass helps protect the watercolor from fading. And the matting is Conservation Grade - Museum Quality. A signed certificate of authenticity is on the back of this framed original watercolor.
Feather is on Ebay. Click here to find this item on ebay.

We are preparing to upgrade our operating system - and I'm busy backing everything up before the big event! We'll also have My Book added - this is an external hard drive that will automatically backup very frequently. Wow! Maybe I could fool you into thinking that I know what is going on - not true! I understand the general process and am grateful for expert help.

Studio Update:

Have been having fun with more of the small originals, and will post another as soon as it is finished. And I now have a small drawing table in the gallery, so I can work on some of the little paintings there - and as you come in to visit, you can see them evolve from a drawing or photograph, with interpretations and changes from Esther's brain into her fingers and then down on a piece of blank white watercolor paper. The idea, the changes, the drawing, the doodling on scrap paper to test colors and contrast, saving pristine white areas, and finally painting. Then probably some changes - scrub outs, accents, touches of pen and ink. It's almost like carving on a flat piece of paper.

Visit our web site to look through our wide variety of prints, note cards and books. We nake it easy for you to purchase with a check or money order - or using our shopping cart and pay/pal or other credit cards. Free shipping within the 48 states - email us for charges outside this area. Phone orders welcome. Ask for Esther at 574-842-8888. Email us at:

If you subscribe to our blog, it will be sent to you automatically. To go directly to our blog, enter this link:

Painter and Poet Gallery hours: Friday and Saturday 10 till 5. Sunday afternoon 12 till 4. And by appointment or chance.

For awesome and continually updated Culver info go to and to Culver's official Chamber of Commerce web site: