Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Magic - Utah Mountains and Stephen Quiller Gallery

WOW Look at these huge rock formations!
We were overwhelmed by the majestic beauty. What an awesome sight - our first view of Utah's Arches National Park. We spent several hours driving through a small portion of this huge park, and proceeded on into Colorado, and through more gorgeous mountains, some covered with dark evergreens and others sprinkled with trees frosted in golden fall colors - an irresistible source of wonderful inspiration for a great water media artist, like Stephen Quiller. (and a great temptation to an enthusiastic lesser painter, like me).

And what a grand thrill to finally arrive at the
Quiller Gallery in Creede, Colorado! Such terrific paintings! I have admired his work for years, and this was such a very special treat - and I'm most grateful to Ward for navigating all the elevations and curves in this tough by gorgeous terrain.

We were fortunate to be able to visit Quiller Gallery - scheduled to close for the season only several days after our arrival. Burdette Knous was a delightful hostess and Ward and I were thrilled to view so many of Stephen Quiller's marvelous paintings. My absolute favorite is pictured here. It is called "Sojourn with Red Wing Blackbirds" and my photo does not do it justice but does gives you an idea of what it looks like. Check to learn more about him and to view this painting and many others.

Studio Update: All of this gadding around has been stimulating, but also exhausting, and I'll admit to sleeping some long hours to try to regain my energy. Am now putting the final finishing touches on my large watercolor of a Lake Maxinkuckee Home. So will sign off for now and get busy on it.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Family Ties and Inspiration

We've been home now long enough to have mail opened and laundry almost finished.
Had a delightful journey to Utah where we enjoyed the warm hospitality of Ward's daughter Michelle, her husband Justin and their wonderful family - Elizabeth, Amy, Allison and Daniel.

Ward planned our travel route and navigated with precision and we enjoyed a brief visit to the campus of Kansas City Art Institute, where I studied 60 years ago. Vanderslice Hall looks almost as it did then, and we were pleased and surprised to discover that Lee Piechocki, who greeted us at the front desk, is a South Bend native transplanted in Kansas City. Check out his web site:

My two+ years there is a distant but very pleasant memory. I remember appreciating my freshman year where I had the opportunity to sample many art forms. Lee told us this format was abandoned for many years with a change for freshman to a simpler study program without the variety I enjoyed. The pendulum has swung back and today's first year students are enjoying the introduction to a wider variety of art forms, much like those that I appreciated long ago. Now students also are introduced to many computer applications - so many innovations with technology! I'm thrilled and challenged to be able to work with some of this wonderful new STUFF!

Will post this with several photos - a lop-sided view of Vanderslice Hall and one with a typical pose of Ward in front of it - (Take a look at the cowboy hat and the suede vest - quite the dude!). Am having a glitch downloading some of our photos from the camera to our computer, and hope we get this solved. Hopefully, I will share more trip details including a wonderful visit to Stephen Quiller's Gallery in the mountains of southern Colorado.

Ill sign off for now and be back in a few days with a photo of my latest large watercolor. Check out our web site -